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Nowra Climbing Guidebook

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Product Information

Nowra Climbing (2016 Edition) is an entirely new comprehensive guidebook to the entire Nowra region. It describes over 1500 routes; twice the number of any previous Nowra guidebook. It is the first guidebook to include the Braidwood Road (aka “New Nowra”) crags; a major area in its own right with over 630 routes.

This book results from a massive collaborative effort. The main contributing authors are Carlie and Rob LeBreton (central Nowra areas) and Neil Monteith (Braidwood Road crags). Previous Nowra guidebook publisher Rod Young also contributed all of his extensive research to this project. And considerable input has come from many other knowledgeable local activists.

This is a guidebook yet it is also inspiring. It features 100 action images that have been contributed by dozens of photographers, making it not only a documentation of Nowra climbing but also a celebration.

The elegant design has usability at its core and each page is absolutely information-packed. The “tight’ design has enabled us to fit some:

  • 239 cliff topo photographs
  • 18 maps
  • 1500+ route descriptions and
  • 100 action photographs

all into a mere 208 pages (size A5, full colour).

As you’ve come to expect from Onsight Photography, the design, production standards and photography in Nowra Climbing is second to none.

We guarantee, you have not known Nowra climbing like this ever before! Pre-order your copy today.

NOTE! This book comes with a “Offensive Language” warning on the cover. Some of the original route names may offend.




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