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The Team

The Pinnacle Sports team consists of some of the most experienced and friendly outdoor adventurers going around today. We all love getting outdoors and just having fun on the rocks! Find out more about the team below:


Adrian "AJ"

General Manager

You'd be hard pressed to find a climbing store or gym in Brisbane that AJ hasn't been involved with in some way. He's been climbing for two decades and has worked in a variety of roles within the industry, from sales staff to height access technician, to eventually taking over ownership of Pinnacle Sports in 2008.

Since taking over Pinnacle Sports, AJ has pushed the business to new heights, establishing it as a premiere equipment, guiding, and inspection outlet. His passion for the business is fueled by his love of climbing in general. Over the years he has climbed in many different locations, including China and New Zealand, and has played a role in establishing climbing areas closer to home.

He still gets out for a climb when he can, but these days he is busy running around performing installations, inspections and maintenance of climbing walls all over South-East Queensland.



Operations Manager

Oh, the places you’ll go… a very apt Dr Seuss quote! When Emily first started climbing in 1998 she never imagined that climbing would have such big impact in her life. Her climbing journey started by following a boy (he was a keeper) and climbing has shaped her travels, work, and personal life.

Emily was part of the committee that organised the inaugural Queensland State Titles Climbing in 2003, back in the days when entry forms were hand written, payment was cash on the day or cheque only and small children were gainfully employed by running competitor points back to the admin desk for data entry. Competition days ran very much in overtime. 

Emily has traveled to many of the world’s premier climbing destinations, with her favourites being Getu and Yangshuo in China and Castle Hill in New Zealand.

She turned to the bouldering arts once kids arrived (lazy walk ins, faster pump outs, and it doesn’t matter if you’re ‘that’ climbing partner that bails) and is an expert in not only packing climbing gear but also an armada of snack foods (carefully chosen by the length of time it takes a small child to consume), drink bottles and Thomas bags.

The climbing community is tight knit and is filled with encouraging, positive people. The industry is vibrant and the gear evolves constantly. It is a pleasure and a privilege to be part of. Jia You, Pinnacle Sports!



Courses Instructor | Climbing & Abseiling Guide 

Jonas is a climber with a passion for the arts & nature. Throughout his career as a young arts worker he has contributed to a number of cultural development projects in Queensland, Brazil and Colombia working with young people to develop confidence, self-esteem and cultural identity.

Since migrating to Australia in 2008 with a pair of climbing shoes, harness, new undies and books he has extended his practice further in fields such as marketing, event management, creative industries and outdoor adventure. Co-directing an arts organization called MARACCAS Jonas has participated in and performed in a number of events and festivals building on his techniques in clowning and physical theatre. Flicking the jokers coin, Jonas also has a serious face of a Rope Access dude with experience in maintenance, stage rigging, inspections, rescues and supervision of workers at heights.

He brings his diverse experience of work from other areas to his guiding and is always able to help people get the most out of their outdoor adventure and course. His easy-going nature and background helps to generate a fun and safe environment for his climbing and abseiling clients.



Media & Marketing

Manny went on a date at this cool, hip climbing gym in West End. Within spending an hour at the gym Manny was hooked! He continued climbing forgetting he was there to meet a girl. His date came and left but fortunately, his passion for climbing stayed and it still drives his motivation to go out and explore the outdoors.

Over the years, Manny decided to turn is passion into his career. His background in IT and multimedia allowed him to fill the gaps of content and marketing in the local climbing industry. You will often catch him tethered to a fixed line with a camera, telling climbers to "try and look less stressed" as he is documenting them on their sends on a project.



Courses Instructor | Climbing & Abseiling Guide  | Overseas Holidays Co-ordinator

Peta has been an active member of the Queensland climbing community for over 20 years. A technical trad climber at heart, she has spent many seasons honing her crack skills and placements at Frog Buttress, Mt French, where she claimed the first female ascent of many of the harder routes. In recent years Peta has been hard at work sport climbing on the limestone tufa crags of Europe and Asia.

Peta was Operations Manager, Head Coach and Head Coursesetter at Urban Climb, back in the days when there was only the one location, before embarking on a year-long overseas climbing trip that got a bit out of hand.

Loving the traveling lifestyle a bit too much, Peta started working with Pinnacle Sports in 2013 and currently runs the overseas trips including Kalymnos (Greece), Getu (China), Yangshuo (China) and Cat Ba Island (Vietnam). As well as guiding on these trips, Peta also draws from her considerable coaching experience to give a huge edge in improving the skills of participants on these tours.

Peta is also the creator and manufacturer of Handjam (climbing hand cream for rockclimbers) and a contributor to the website


Climbing & Abseiling Guide 


Rohan started climbing in 2016, gaining interest through climbing with his family. Invested in the sport, Rohan joined the Pinnacle Sports Kids Club, and has been climbing ever since. Although he has loved everywhere he’s climbed, his favoured mountain of choice is Mount Ninderry.


In addition to climbing Rohan loves the outdoors, enjoying activities such as: kayaking, fishing, hiking and camping. As well as being an avid reader, he loves woodwork, gardening and local flora, particularly native edibles.




Media & Marketing | Climbing & Abseiling Guide | Kids & Youth Programs Co-ordinator

Sally first discovered climbing whilst completing her studies at QUT. With the cliffs being only a 10 minute walk away, she found herself climbing at Kangaroo Point more frequently, to the point where she was leading uni climbing nights at the cliffs. With her newfound love for climbing, she decided to make a career of it, starting out at an indoor climbing gym, working her way over to guiding outdoor adventures. As well as taking on Pinnacle Sports social media,Sally can also be found route setting among various climbing walls around Brisbane.

Being an avid boulderer, if she’s not at any of the indoor bouldering gyms around Brisbane, you might see her at White Rock using an unnecessary amount of knee bars. When she’s taking a break from bouldering she’ll be heading to Slider at Tibrogargan, or at Kangaroo Point teaching a new skill.



Climbing & Abseiling Guide | Overseas Holidays Co-ordinator


Once upon a time (about 20 years ago) one of his mates told Scott that rock climbing was a good way to meet girls. He thought this was a most excellent idea, but at the time - being obsessed with pushing big lumps of metal in the gym and taking his climbing tips from the recently released movie, Cliffhanger - he was pretty crap at it.

Somewhere in the last ten years or so he discovered that he had feet on the end of his legs and that they could be used for things other than kicking footballs. This has lead to reasonable increase in his climbing ability in recent years.

Scott can be found most of the year doing a strange mix of assisting running overseas climbing tours, taking photos/video of people on these trips, tapping away on laptops sitting on logs in the jungle producing print designs, and/or falling off climbing projects.



Retail Manager | Climbing & Abseiling Guide

Tegan's passion for the outdoors sprung from a desire to meet new people when she moved to London in 2011. Joining an outdoor adventure social group, she discovered a world of hiking, climbing and incredible people, and was hooked. Flash forward several years, and this passion would see Tegan leave office work behind to pursue the outdoors full time.
When she's not guiding for Pinnacle, Tegan can be found working at school camps, running a range of activities from canoeing to archery. Her absolute favourite thing about being part of this industry is helping people push past their fear and self-limiting doubts, and prove to themselves what they're capable of.